Digital Transformation - A path of no return
When driving on a highway, we are already faced with a “Return” sign, which is extremely important when we need to take another route or a new route alternative.
However, the more we circulate in today's society, we realize that there are no such signs when it comes to the digitization of processes. On the contrary, Digital Transformation has become a path of no return.
Pandemic and Digital Culture
Furthermore, Covid's Pandemic19 only shed even more light on this which has been a worldwide trend for some time now through the possibilities that the internet offers us both in the corporate and in the personal environment.
In the corporate environment, many companies have already anticipated this movement by implementing measures to stimulate the so-called digital culture through the adoption of tools with interfaces along the internet.
Such tools undeniably boosted the digital inclusion of these companies on social networks, aiming to amplify contact with consumers through Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and so on.
Certainly the digitalization of the physical structure and the implementation of digital sales platforms were naturally consequent and necessary steps to this new philosophy because, in addition to optimizing costs, it maximizes the reach with consumers.
CREA-SP and Digital Transformation
The President of the Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy of the State of São Paulo - Crea-SP , Eng. Vinicius Marchese Marinelli, sensitive to this scenario, had the perception that professionals in Engineering, Agronomy, Geosciences and professions in the technological areas have a fundamental role in this Digital Transformation and they should also feel it in their own Council, placing them at the center of this transformation.
Server technicians spend their time installing servers, performing repairs, and - in some cases - building a new system from scratch, configuring new servers, and integrating it into brand new networks.
Thus, Crea-SP began to envision a collaborative culture with the necessary agility to stimulate connections with startups, educational institutions, companies and governments.
In addition, this Digital Transformation also aims at transparency in management, the expansion of digital inspection and the indispensable professional training.
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